
Additional header properties

4 January 2018 EPiServer, EPiServer properties 3 comments

Not all properties are visible in the page template and can be edited using PropertyFor helper. Some of them have to be edited through All Properties mode. I thought that it would be useful for editors to have quick access to some properties in On Page Edit. I introduced a way of adding additional header properties.
additional header properties

Content ChildrenGrid View

27 November 2017 EPiServer 7 comments

You haven’t seen much from me for a while, it’s because I was working on a bigger feature. Haven’t include much text or code snippets this time. Rather wanted to present overall functionality. Lot of images and animated gifs. Take a look on ChildrenGrid custom view. View displays a configurable list of children for current content.

Edit link for blocks in HTML Editor

3 September 2017 EPiServer, EPiServer properties 2 comments

When adding a block to HTML editor it’s rendered as a DIV element with name of the block. After a while it could be hard to determinate from where the block was referenced. I improved block rendering by adding “Edit” link to the block element.
HTML Editor block

How to use SelectMany to work with flags enum

31 July 2017 EPiServer, EPiServer properties No comments

EPiServer provides a build-in SelectionFactory for enums and SelectOne attribute for selecting single value. But for flags enum we want to have a checkbox list and be able to select more than one value. In this article I’d like to show how to use SelectMany attribute for editing flags enum property.
property enum flags using SelectMany attribute

How to turn off autopublish in ContentArea

25 July 2017 EPiServer, EPiServer properties No comments

When creating new block directly from ContentArea, the block is automatically published and added to ContentArea. This behavior is not configurable. In this article I will show how to add new block as a draft.
Creating new block from ContentArea

Generic PropertySoftLinkIndexer for ListProperty

6 July 2017 EPiServer, EPiServer properties No comments

When creating new property type that stores content references then it’s recommended to implement PropertySoftLinkIndexer class. It will be used for indexing links to other content. For example when item type of PropertyList has ContentReference property then we should implement PropertySoftLinkIndexer returning all links from the list. In this article I will show how to implement generic PropertySoftLinkIndexer for PropertyList.
PropertySoftLinkIndexer deleting page

Creating a page shortcut using drag and drop

17 June 2017 EPiServer, EPiServer properties No comments

When creating page shortcut, Editor has to open setting tab, then click Manage link on shortcut property and then find a destination page in tree. So when he found a target page in Navigation Pane, then to create a shortcut he has to find it once again in the dialog. I prepared a functionality of creating shortcuts using D&D directly from Navigation Pane.


How to create SelectionFactory with parameters?

8 June 2017 EPiServer, EPiServer properties No comments

To create a property with list of available options we usually use SelectionFactory. One SelectionFactory class can be used on many properties. But sometimes, for specific property, we want one or two extra selection items. The SelectOne and SelectMany attributes have SelectionFactoryType property which is a factory type not the factory instance. In this article I’d like to show how create SelectionFactory with parameters. (more…)

Hiding Content Details elements

19 April 2017 EPiServer No comments

In Edit Mode, the Content Details Panel shows information about Content Type, internal ID, roles and languages. It could be useful for administrators, but sometimes we would like to hide it for editors. Below I will describe how can we control the visibility of those elements. There are two versions of code. First shows how to hide elements for all users and second how to hide elements only for editors.

Shortcut to a Media File

30 March 2017 EPiServer, EPiServer properties No comments

When building a menu you would probably build it based on the page tree structure, where each menu item would be a regular link to a page.

However, sometimes you would like one of the links to point to another page, a media file or an external site. Here comes the Shortcut functionality which allows you to do just that.

Content Selector for media - menu (more…)