Month: September 2018

View on website in new window

20 September 2018 EPiServer No comments

Today I’d like to show very small extension that can be useful for some editors. In edit mode, when clicking “view on website”, the page is opened in same window. Of course using quick navigation button Editors can go back to the same edit place, but for some people this behavior can be annoying. I prepared few lines of code, that allows to open pages in new window.
view on website

D&D local blocks

6 September 2018 EPiServer, EPiServer properties No comments

In one of my previous articles I showed a small improvement for Editors. They could create a page shortcut using D&D from page tree. This time I’d like to show another feature related with D&D. I implemented functionality of populating local blocks properties from shared block instance. Editor can drop shared block on the local block to copy all properties.
D&D for local blocks preview