Extended SelectionFactory

7 June 2023 EPiServer, EPiServer properties No comments

In one of my previous articles I described new Color Picker widget. Today I’d like to show another simple property. I prepared extended version of the SelectOneAttribute. This extensions allows developers to configure SelectionFactory, that returns items with icons and CSS classess. This allows us to visually emphasize the importance of values in the list, for example, by giving a different background color or icon. I haven’t prepared nuget package, because there are just few files that have to be copied to the solution.

Extended SelectionFactory

Content Bulk Edit

5 June 2023 EPiServer No comments

Bulk Edit is a plugin that allows to make changes to more than one Content at the same time. This can save time by simultaneously updating multiple properties that share the same information. This can be useful when a new property has been added to a ContentType and a default value needs to be assigned, or for making periodic (e.g. monthly) updates to the property.


Image preview

30 April 2023 EPiServer No comments

In one of my recent articles I described the Media Report admin mode plugin. Today I will also continue media topic, but this time I will focus on Edit Mode. Sometimes site contain a lot of similar iamges. When adding an image to an image property or the a Content Area it’s difficult to determinate which content to select based on the small thumbnail and a name that may not be descriptive. The Editor has to open the image to see the full version, but by doing so he loses the context of the page he is editing. That’s why I prepared Image Preview nuget package. This is a small extension to Assets Pane that allows Editor to see a preview of an image, without having to change the context.
image preview

Content Area default display options

21 April 2023 EPiServer, EPiServer properties No comments

Content Area property items allows to select Display Options. Display options let Editor specify how item should be renderred in the view mode. When adding content to a Content Area, we usually know which display option will be the best choice based on content type. For example our ButtonBlock will be best displayed as Narrow while Editorial block as Wide. That’s why I prepared a small javascript snippet to set Content Area default display options.

Content Area default display options overview

Media report

13 April 2023 Admin mode, EPiServer No comments

I recently prepared a plugin for Admin Mode that shows a list of all Content Media available on the system. The media report displays a list with useful statistics about the files and allows to sort and filter the results.
Media report plugin overview

Another take on ColorPicker property

3 March 2023 EPiServer, EPiServer properties No comments

Over the years, several articles have been written about the ColorPicker property editor. I also decided to look into this topic. I wanted to create something modern, simple and configurable. That’s why I used a simple HTML input color wrapped in a dijit widget.
Default ColorPicker property editor

External Links gadget for CMS 12

16 March 2022 EPiServer No comments

In CMS 11, Editors could use External Links dashboard gadget that provided an overview of all external links used on site. This is not very common functionality, but I this that it can be usedeful for certain group of Editors. For CMS 12 the Dashboard is no longer available, so I decided to create similar addon for the new CMS.
External links CMS 11

Updated hide tabs and properties in edit mode

14 March 2022 EPiServer, EPiServer properties No comments

A while ago I implemented a HideTabs addon that allows to hide tabs and properties in edit mode.

Hide tabs and properties in edit mode

I converted it to .NET Core version and now it can be used in CMS 12.

Nuget package can be downloaded from nuget.optimizely.com

The source code is available on github.

Extended content copy

8 December 2021 EPiServer No comments

When Editor cut and paste a page, then content will be simply moved from one place into another. It will get new URL, but nothing more will change. The copy and paste operation is more complicated. After Editor pasted a page, end users will be able to see a copy of the same content on the site. In some scenarios it would be good to have a better control on how exactly the content is copied. In this article I will describe my latest plugin that allows to use extended copy and paste functionality.


Using virtual containers in page tree

24 November 2021 EPiServer No comments

The edit mode page tree is pretty fast when site has hierarchical structure. Even for few levels of nested pages the navigation works really smoothly. Unfortunately it doesn’t look that good when structure is flat. Starting from few hundreds child pages the user experience become worse, the waiting time for server to load children is more annoying and it’s more difficult for Editors to know what is current parent in the structure.
