EPiServer properties

Copying property values part 2

18 June 2024 EPiServer, EPiServer properties No comments

After publishing my last article about copying property values to other language versions, I received constructive feedback on how could I change the script. In this article I would like to describe changes that will improve the way the add-on works.

copy property value

Copying property values

8 June 2024 EPiServer, EPiServer properties No comments

In this article I’d like to show simple Edit Mode extension for copying property values to other language versions.

Copying property extension

ExtendedCms.TinyMceEnhancements – macro support

3 June 2024 EPiServer, EPiServer properties No comments

This article will be continuation of the previous series about TinyMCE extensions. Today I would like to describe an add-on that allows inserting dynamic fields (macro) into TinyMCE editor that are replaced with custom value when rendering the page.

Macro support

Date property editor

9 December 2023 EPiServer, EPiServer properties No comments

The Optimizely CMS has built-in DateTime property. When editing, the Editor selects both the date and the time. Sometimes we would like to configure only the date selection, e.g. for calendar events, employee-related dates, article release date etc. Therefore, I have prepared a simple date property editor.

Date property

Extended SelectionFactory

7 June 2023 EPiServer, EPiServer properties No comments

In one of my previous articles I described new Color Picker widget. Today I’d like to show another simple property. I prepared extended version of the SelectOneAttribute. This extensions allows developers to configure SelectionFactory, that returns items with icons and CSS classess. This allows us to visually emphasize the importance of values in the list, for example, by giving a different background color or icon. I haven’t prepared nuget package, because there are just few files that have to be copied to the solution.

Extended SelectionFactory

Content Area default display options

21 April 2023 EPiServer, EPiServer properties No comments

Content Area property items allows to select Display Options. Display options let Editor specify how item should be renderred in the view mode. When adding content to a Content Area, we usually know which display option will be the best choice based on content type. For example our ButtonBlock will be best displayed as Narrow while Editorial block as Wide. That’s why I prepared a small javascript snippet to set Content Area default display options.

Content Area default display options overview

Another take on ColorPicker property

3 March 2023 EPiServer, EPiServer properties No comments

Over the years, several articles have been written about the ColorPicker property editor. I also decided to look into this topic. I wanted to create something modern, simple and configurable. That’s why I used a simple HTML input color wrapped in a dijit widget.
Default ColorPicker property editor

Updated hide tabs and properties in edit mode

14 March 2022 EPiServer, EPiServer properties No comments

A while ago I implemented a HideTabs addon that allows to hide tabs and properties in edit mode.

Hide tabs and properties in edit mode

I converted it to .NET Core version and now it can be used in CMS 12.

Nuget package can be downloaded from nuget.optimizely.com

The source code is available on github.

Image property with media component

2 October 2018 EPiServer, EPiServer properties No comments

In this article I’d like to show a custom implementation of image property. There are already few blog posts and code snippets about improved image editor, but most of them focus on showing thumbnail for selected image. In my code I refactored image selection dialog and replaced content tree with media component. It can be useful for Editors, because media component has many features that can improve their work.
image property

D&D local blocks

6 September 2018 EPiServer, EPiServer properties No comments

In one of my previous articles I showed a small improvement for Editors. They could create a page shortcut using D&D from page tree. This time I’d like to show another feature related with D&D. I implemented functionality of populating local blocks properties from shared block instance. Editor can drop shared block on the local block to copy all properties.
D&D for local blocks preview